Bring In The Light – Online Experience

Sense into invisible worlds and call upon guiding teams to support your sacred journey as we birth a New Earth.

Embody a new way of being, awaken to your true luminous nature, and shine your own beautiful and unique light. Enter into this experiential Temple of Light, reclaim lost power and become a guided vessel for transformation, remembering who you truly are at this time of global change.

This online experience is jam-packed with juicy opportunities to help you bring in the Light.

First presented to a live audience, you can now reap the benefits of this exceptional day from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world.

We've broken it down into bite size pieces via our bespoke online learning/experience platform.

The ‘Bring In The Light’ experience Includes:

  • Welcoming you into the Temple of Light.
  • Connect with your guiding teams of invisible helpers and allies.
  • Receive the channelled insights.
  • Sacred blessings.
  • Light-coded & Light-language transmissions/activations.
  • Energetic upgrades, meditations and guided processes.
  • Safely open your living-light body to the new higher dimensional incoming energies.
  • Become empowered and uplifted as you release what is old and stagnant.
  • Concludes with a powerful, integrating shake & dance, moving meditation process to help you embody the higher frequencies.
  • Rest deeply with a grounding prayer as you close down your energy body.

The overall experience will support you to embody a new way of being, awaken to your true luminous nature, and shine your own beautiful and unique light.

Also includes:

  • A private space to ask questions, leave comments, and communicate with Tracy and others sharing this experience.
  • Live Zoom follow-up with Tracy.

Our intention is that everybody who wishes to attend Tracy's online and in-person events should be able to do so, regardless of their financial situation.

We therefore invite you to choose your own price!
You can support our work by paying more if you can afford to, or you can lower the price if you need to.

Choose your price: £

Your contribution helps fund bringing this valuable work to others.
