Meet Tracy
Tracy is a pioneering visionary for New Earth, an inspiring and exceptional guide on the path of Awakening.
Tracy eloquently shares her intuitive wisdom, positive insights and unique energy transmissions through audio presentations, guided meditations, talks, workshops, ceremonies, internet broadcasts and sacred journeys with the land.
She has over 25 years experience as a guide and group facilitator working with the evolution of human consciousness and personal/planetary awakening. She helps people find peace within through accessing their own intuitive wisdom, inner guidance and support, in grounded and actionable ways.
As an awakened child, Tracy was given many insights into the collective creation of New Earth and gifted key codes and activation sequences for specific gateways/portals of planetary ascension. Her work with her guidance team has supported her to be fully present, open-hearted and in sacred service to this Call.
Well known for her open mind, generous heart, friendly manner and good sense of humour, Tracy is a natural catalyst for deep and lasting change.
She creates experiential opportunities for people to explore many realms of consciousness. Her light language transmissions speak directly to the heart, activating new codes of light for our human evolution.

What people say...
About Tracy's offerings
I tune into Tracy’s transmissions and meditations on a regular basis… they are my absolute “go to” when I have trouble sleeping and when it’s time to evolve, shed some more limiting beliefs and embrace the light ✨ Tracy’s energy is calm, grounded and welcoming and the community of like minded people she has attracted I consider my spiritual family ❤
— Alison Bell(UK)

I can honestly say that your transmissions are magical for me. I feel my heart and soul nurtured, bringing a balance and peaceful quality that certainly helps with restful sleep.
Your wonderful gentle and soothing voice helps so much - and the words - always just what is needed. I am in awe and amazed and look forward to every one of them. Thank you with all my heart.
— Mary K.(Germany)

Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who empowers you with the right information to change your life. Years of therapy, 100's of self-help books, 100's of hours of online videos and years of groups and workshops. Nothing helped me, nothing felt right. I was still stuck in my old ways, nothing made any sense to what I was feeling.
I watched a fabulous friend change before my eyes, the things she was saying and doing things that resonated with me. I asked her what had happened. She simply said “I stood in my own power and changed. Tracy gave me the tools to do the work myself”
So I watched her videos, and did my research. I could see what people meant, Tracy was speaking my language and things dropped into place. I listened to my first transmission and it rocked me to my very foundations, it was like a whole new world had opened to me.
Decades of confusion, pain, feeling so alone, in one transmission had cracked my tiny little world right open. The transmission was a huge catalyst for change within me, Tracy gave me those tools to make big lasting changes within myself and my life.
— Annemarie Harris(UK)
Tracy, the service you provide is unique, special and transformational. Whenever I feel I am stuck, dealing with my conditioning or limiting beliefs, I can turn to one of your offerings which remind me of my true nature, my light, and I can bring myself back into balance, and experience more joy and peace. My humanness may not always understand everything but the outcome is always positive, I feel lighter and more aligned. I am growing more in love with myself than I ever have and that's with your assistance, I feel seen, needed and loved. You are a lighthouse during these chaotic, challenging times.
— Donna
When I first heard Tracy I thought she can't be for real with all that love and light! Then I realised I'd closed off my heart after my husband's sudden death to protect myself. Now I go to sleep listening to Tracy's downloads. She has helped me open up and find my gifts again, showing me how to lead with my heart and trust my intuition, my inner-tutor. Love Deb
— Deb 🦊(UK)

Dear Tracy just to let you know English is not my first language, but you speak so cleary and well diction it is easy to follow you. I first come in touch with you in 2021 and folowing you and your briliant work for everybody and everthing on this planet.
Sending you my deepest gratitude and love for everything you have done.
— Neda(Croatia)

Dearest Tracy and team, thank you so much for facilitating the raising of global consciousness. Your light language transmissions are so nurturing, affirmative and spacious.
May our light benefit all beings.🙏🏻🌍🐝🙏🏽
— Sarah O.(UK)
The Daily Blessings are a very deep and profound support, helping me hold fast in the current of the heart, during this extraordinary time of planetary spiritual awakening. A Divine Blessing indeed.
— Victoria H.(Tasmania, Australia)
Thank you Tracy, This transmission was exactly what I needed. I have soo missed your soothing & calming effect. And so, on we go with the creation of the new world...Bless you & thank you again 🙏 much Love 💗
— Donna M.(UK)
About Tracy's events
Wow! Does Tracy do retreats! In fact, to call it a retreat doesn't do it justice. I would rename it a multi-dimensional healing and emergence process 😀 (but I guess that's a bit of a mouthful!!!). So much love, so much light, so, so much gratitude.
From my heart, to your heart Tracy. Thank you ♥️♥️♥️
— Charley M.(France)

I've been coming for the last 3 years and each time I feel that I'm coming home and my family is getting bigger and bigger. Thank you Tracy and all my light sisters and brothers for helping me to be the person I always meant to be.
— Alan of Salisbury(UK)

From the depths of grief, I felt Tracy extend her love, total and unconditional... opening up the path that leads us all home. Bringing solace even in my darkest hour.
— Sara Jane Hunter(UK)

I went to Tracy’s retreat. As I hadn’t met her before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I thought her unique in her wisdom, compassion and integrity. There were beautiful healing ceremonies and discussions. It was a most illuminating and inspiring experience. Thank you, Tracy.
— Robert K.(UK)

She’s authentic for sure! I joined her family of light in 2010 by attending a 2-day course in Bristol called ‘Life Upgrade’. There, through a total immersion of Tracy’s voice, care and language, the noisy chatter in my head somehow switched-off, thus opening up greater space and peace of mind. The noisy chatter has not come back!
Since then, I’ve participated in many of her gatherings, adventures and ceremonies, all of which have been unique, exquisitely held & deeply beneficial.
— Julia S.(UK)

No words! Just deep love and gratitude for this wonderful experience ♥️
— Sue S.(France)

Being with Tracy is always a gift and a real bliss. She knows how to create a safe place full of love and light and so much tenderness & sweetness. This is my third retreat of 7 days in 2 years and it is absolutely life changing, profound!
Thanks to her I was able to release deep lying trauma like torture and suffering of my soul essence. Here you can be yourself! Feeling at home with a wonderful light family, creating heaven on earth!
— Marina(Switzerland)

Not enough words to express the gratitude for the beautiful caring and sharing space Tracy provides to heal and grow and grow some more. The retreats have literally helped and continue to help to transform my life from the inside out. Big love.
— Heather D.(UK)

What a wonderful experience I have had at the Glastonbury 2024 retreat (my 4th with you).
It was full of beautiful ceremonies with crystals, cacao, dance and meditation. All within a safe space created by Tracy.
I feel clamer & freer for having been there.
— Linda H.(UK)

Expect the unexpected and you will be delighted. Tracy is generous with her wisdom and her gifts.
— Jacqueline ♥️(UK)

Going to Tracy's retreats and listening to her broadcasts have changed my life and for this I am extremely grateful. Tracy is one of the nicest people I know and she draws like minded people to her & I intend to continue to attend everything I can.
— Carol C.(UK)