New Moon Meditation - Sagittarius

Beautifully inspiring and uplifting.

Child of the Universe, you are so bright, made of beaming Light - let us see your vision, hear your heart song and playfully follow you as you dance your way into a new awakened world.

Time to emerge, and see what you have created. Anchoring your unique gifts and talents in a practical, useful, grounded way can be challenging. The blessings that you have are abundant, and they are not just for your own enjoyment - these are pieces of a rich tapestry being woven into a unified vision for humanity’s future here on Earth.

This New Moon invites you to see the bigger picture and expand your creative pursuits so that you can bring your own special magic to this changing world. If you have ever felt that you don’t fit in, or you don’t belong then perhaps that’s because the old world was not the place for one as beautiful as YOU.

A new world is awakening. There is a perfect place with in it for YOU. Move beyond the limitations of what has been and embrace the transformational opportunities presented. Beam like the child of light you are and true, abundant magic will be your way of life.
