New Moon Meditation - Libra

Beautifully inspiring and uplifting.

Look back at how far you have travelled and the challenges you have overcome. Look at the road ahead with excitement and optimism, and then press the ‘pause button’ - it’s time to recalibrate.

Whilst on pause take time to consider the true beauty of your life and the natural environment which supports you. You have all the time you need, there is no rush to do anything - slow down and smell the roses. Spread a little peace, love and harmony in whatever way you can.

This pause can be a gentle reminder to attune to your sacred self and be present. The true you of you is always available and yet perhaps you get so busy and distracted that you sometimes neglect what is really important.

You are worthy of some special time and attention; a little self-love can go a long way. Prioritise whatever it is that makes you feel good and just enjoy it fully without attachment, judgment or agenda. Find a way to luxuriate this New Moon.

Rest, centre yourself and enjoy a moment of stillness. Connect to your inner guiding wisdom; the intelligence of your sacred heart, and a natural recalibration will occur.
