New Moon Meditation - Leo

Beautifully inspiring and uplifting.

Have courage brave heart, for you are a sovereign being.

Take centre stage and radiate your own special magic. It’s time to be who you are and express your unique creativity. This New Moon gives you a much needed boost in strength and confidence. You are energised, upbeat and enjoy entertaining those around you. Sitting back to watch the show is no longer enough, you now have the leading role.

A fun time with friends could be on the cards, but equally an opportunity to heal and transform your inner-child through play.

Everything is effortless and joyful, it may make you wonder why at other times you can feel so resistant to enjoying a fulfilling life. It takes courage to express yourself, and be who you are and the potent energies of this creative Moon will support you to do this. A child who loves to sing, dance and play is authentic in their self-expression. We hide so much of who we are, and often suppress our creative flow for fear of being seen.

Have the courage now to shine your unique light into the world and see how great it feels to be a powerful creator.

You are the star of your show.
