New Moon Meditation - Capricorn

Celebrations, invitations and social engagements abound, but will you take the time you need to slow your busy mind?

Step back from the action and reflect. Energy may be low, but expectation could be high. This new Moon invites you to rest, meditate and journey within - even if just for a short while.

Recent interactions with old friends or family members may have been challenging. The stories of the past may have served you before, but there is now an opportunity to restructure your thoughts and build a new framework of perception to support you to move on and up in your chosen field.

A time of inner reflection can inspire a different perception. Many people live their life through conditioned responses and are restricted by the structures of an old paradigm. As these structures break down it can feel as if you are on uncertain or rocky ground. Deepen your connection to your true-self and feel sure-footed through times of structural reform.

A new year can bring renewed hope, and fresh optimism - but first you must reflect. This new Moon provides an opportunity to look at life and assess how to build a strong foundation which will support you in a new awakened world.
