New Moon Meditation - Cancer

Beautifully inspiring and uplifting.

Much growth and change has occurred, and yet still there is more to come. It may be a time of high energy with many commitments of things to do and places to be - but finding time for your own gentle retreat could really benefit you at this sensitive New Moon time.

Nurturing yourself is an essential part of your journey, especially if you are responsible for caring for others. Feel your roots in the abundant earth as you stretch up and out. Feel the infinite embrace of the cosmic womb, supporting your unique creative expressing. Feel safe to let go; trust and rest in the sacredness of the Mother Moon’s loving energy.

Open your heart, observe gently the tenderness and vulnerability within. With kindness and compassion for your beautiful self, ask for the guidance you need to restore, heal, resolve and transform any family issues that you feel would otherwise keep you from opening your heart further.

Sensitivity can be such a wonderful gift, though at times we can feel overwhelmed by our feelings and the feelings of others. Take time to retreat now, and feel the true strength and power you have within. Let go and trust - you are loved more than you know.
