Tracy Holloway

Go to Bed!

Finding the space to really connect with yourself can be challenging in this busy world. At this awakening time we need space to process the incoming energies; to reset, recalibrate and recode.

Learning to process these deep inner changes requires a level of surrender. Trust that there is guidance to support you, rather than overthinking and ruminating. We all have access to our own guiding team and supporting networks of light. But we must make the time and create the space to build a relationship where we trust this inner guidance – and trust ourselves to receive it when we need it.

Much rest is required through this deep process of transformation. Your bed can become a temple of light to help you release and recharge. This is sacred work and you deserve your own temple, a special place where you are safe to let go and make the changes you want to make.

Go to bed! Deep and important work takes place when you rest, and sleep.

We have created a whole library of audio support for you to listen to from your own temple of light. Whilst you rest and sleep your unconscious mind will cleverly make use of these audio transmissions, guiding you to release and recode in a way which is not possible whilst you are awake and busy. We call them Beditations – bedtime meditations where you don’t have to do anything but fall asleep whilst listening. How much easier could it be!

Find our Beditations here:

Life Upgrade with Tracy Holloway | Podast