Tracy Holloway

Ride the Waves | Transformation | Self Discovery

Make time to be quiet and simply be with yourself without trying to do anything, or fix anything – simply Be, and gently observe. Discover the sacred space of your own gentle self-inquiry. Have compassion for yourself in this process of personal transformation.

You came here to be You. Everything is a process of finding you and peeling back the layers of everything which is not you. But first you must accept yourself, and where you are at, as everything is perfect – even when it doesn’t feel or look that way.

You are experiencing an ongoing journey of letting go and awakening. It is not a race as you are exactly where you need to be. There is deep power within you and hidden depths to explore. Space is the answer and so prioritise and nourish the kind of space which supports the true you of you.

You don’t need fixing as you’re not broken. Access your innate guiding wisdom and trust yourself.

Life Upgrade with Tracy Holloway | Podast