Category Archives: Ceremonies

New Moon in Taurus

Utilise the potent energies of this New Moon by planting a seed; a metaphorical or a physical one. Focus first on the richness of the soil, the pure magic within the seed and the tender nurturing required for it to thrive.

You are like a seed of starlight here on Earth, so full of potential. Get your roots down deep into the earth, and tap into the abundant riches of our beloved planet.

It takes time for a seed to become a plant. It takes time for shoots to appear above ground and for the stalk to rise and first leaves to form. The growing plant never worries about whether it will make it, or be good enough – the growing plant just is.

Acknowledge the present moment. Show gratitude for your physical body and the opportunities that being embodied offers. Appreciate yourself and all the inevitable changes, and just be here now.

Make time to luxuriate; a massage perhaps, or a delicious soak in the bath with salts and essential oils. Give thanks as you mindfully pamper the wonderful vessel which supports you every day and perhaps agree to treat it more kindly with both words and actions.

Listen to the New Moon meditation/ceremony here:

Posted in Broadcasts & Activations, Ceremonies, Meditations & Audio, New Moon | 2 Comments

Sacred Portal to Sovereignty

Sacred Sovereignty Online Ceremony!

This powerful ceremonial process will support you on your path of awakening.

A beautiful journey through meditation, light-language transmission, shake and dance is offered to you, inviting you into ceremony wherever you are in the world. Together we are stronger and so let’s unite in light and reclaim our sacred sovereignty.

As the structures of the old world crumble, and we collectively sift through the debris of what was – we must search for what we truly value, who we truly are and discover the sacred treasures and preserve them for the future of humanity.

Discovering and embodying your own sacred gifts and treasures will forever enrich your life and prepare you for what’s to come as we move from an old paradigm to a new.

We can face the shadows and the light, and become enriched by crystal clear boundaries supported by universal law. You can cultivate powerful practices and align sincerely with the creative energies of the cosmos: nurturing, supporting, fuelling, guiding, liberating – bringing you home to the truth of who you are, and what you came here to do.

The more of You that you discover, the more you will value the importance and liberating power of grounded, practical day-to-day practices like these meditation/dance ceremonies; which build resilience, restore balance and naturally bring you into a place of authentic, purposeful living. Ultimately helping you find greater peace within.

Through this beautiful online dance process (with it’s light-language transmission and light-code activation) you can shake off what no longer serves you, and bring forth deep wisdom and personal power.

Initially, people joined together for this ceremonial process at the magical Glastonbury Tor. This sacred sovereignty ceremony was held there during the pandemic time and the dance process was experienced via immersive headsets as people danced together in celebration of their freedom. It has a very powerful energy, and is now available to you to enjoy at anytime.

You can tune into this meditation/transmission and dance your way through a powerful portal of remembrance. This process of awakening, remembering, exploring and experiencing a more sacred and embodied way of being will take you on a journey into reclaiming your sovereign power from wherever you are in the world.


Posted in Broadcasts & Activations, Ceremonies, Courses & Workshops, Life Upgrade, Retreats | 2 Comments