Gradual Steps

The process of evolution takes incremental steps.  Bit by bit, moment by moment, opportunities are presented where you have a choice.  You can choose to take a backward step, or to stay where you are.  Though if you choose to move forward into further authenticity, taking up your personal power, the Universe will undoubtedly support you.

Each step you take is a clear message of intention.
Are you shrinking back, hiding away?
Or are you frozen in fear, unsure of what to do next, or where to turn?
Or do you have the courage and conviction to risk it all for what is true to you, and follow your heart’s wisdom?

Moment by moment, day by day, you are creating your world with these action steps.  Every thought, every feeling, every movement – taking you in one direction or another.
You shape your reality, and can either colour it with optimism, trust, faith and love, or obscure richness and wonder with doubt and fear.

Through this powerful time of personal and global transformation, you are the key.  You are making decisions that will ultimately change the world, and create a brighter future for all to share.  First you have to find yourself, to know yourself fully and to live true to who you are.  This is the most fundamental, and essential step.  Without this solid foundation, you will struggle to create the life of your dreams.
– And you do deserve the life of your dreams, don’t you?

Whatever the next step is, then take it.

What have you got to lose?

Look at how much you will gain!


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3 Responses to Gradual Steps

  1. Maria de Cinque says:

    Exclent source of enlightment.

  2. Charlene Hickey says:

    This guidance is supporting me so amazingly on my journey into a wonderful new wold 🙂 Thank you xxx

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