Shifting Consciousness

EnergyBeing happy and healthy is essential.  Moving into a new way of thinking means that the old way of doing things just doesn’t work any more.  Many people work on changing the way they think in order to change the way they feel and then they wonder why their physical health is worse.  Those of you working in the holistic field know that the mind is not separate from the body and yet when it comes to change and transformation the mind is mercurial and consciously changes quickly, whilst the old subconscious habits which are ‘stuck’ hold energy and toxicity within the physical body and can be harder to remove.

The mind can know without doubt that the food eaten will leave the body feeling bloated, tired and overwhelmed, but still the auto-response says eat, and so you do. 

As your awareness shifts and changes, and all the new insights which guide your life integrate and consciousness expands, the physical body struggles more and more to keep up.  As your consciousness changes and your vibration becomes lighter the foods you eat feel denser.

Many people are finding themselves in a quandary, the body feels heavy and often toxic.  The result of this is sickness and disease.  The mind is conscious of the need for change and the information available has never been more accessible, and yet the choices can be hard to make as the habits run deep.  But more than that, the Upgrade to super-consciousness is not done through mind alone – the body has to make its transformational journey too and will do so through super/living foods. 

Moment by moment, step by step, choices are being made which either tie you to the past or awaken you to the Super Being you are. 

As the consciousness of humanity shifts, chocolate is most certainly on the agenda, but as with many things within this Great Shift, not everything is quite how it seems, not everything you believed to be true is so, and not everything you will learn along the way has to be hard or traumatic, or emotionally challenging. 

Some changes are made difficult due to lack of knowledge or limited perspective.  As the mind finds greater knowledge and changes its perspective so the body will follow. 

A new mind is on the horizon, it is intelligent, powerful, inspired and creative, it lives consciously and because of this it intuitively knows how to make choices which keeps its body healthy, fit and strong.  The new mind seeks a new way of thinking, which creates a new way of being.  The new mind, and its new energised body, creates the most vibrant and sustainable vessel through which the true Divine self can shine out. 

A great shift in humanity’s consciousness is taking place through the tiny conscious choices you make on a moment by moment basis.  Choose to do things differently, because you know it makes intuitive sense.

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